Archives - Page 2

  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 10-01 (2019)

    • 144 pages, 19 articles
    • 32 authors (including 6 doctors of sciences, 11 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Innovative Technics, Technologies, and Industry, Development of Transport and Transport Systems, Physics and Mathematics, Geology, Geophysics and Geodesy, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Water Resources, Biology and Ecology
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 10-02 (2019)

    • 156 pages, 26 articles
    • 54 authors (including 4 doctors of sciences, 22 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Education and pedagogy, Physical education and sport, Philology, linguistics and literary studies, Legal and political sciences, Economics and trade, Management and marketing, Tourism and recreation
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 09-01 (2019)

    • 119 pages, 18 articles
    • 38 authors (including 9 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Innovative Technics, Technologies, and Industry, Informatics, Cybernetics and Automatics, Development of Transport and Transport Systems, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Biology and Ecology, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Water Resources, Tourism and Recreation
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 09-02 (2019)

    • 120 pages, 17 articles
    • 29 authors (including 6 doctors of sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Economics and trade, Management and marketing, Education and pedagogy, Psychology and sociology, Philosophy, Philology, linguistics and literary criticism, History
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 08-01 (2019)

    • 115 pages, 19 articles
    • 45 authors (including 4 doctors of sciences, 21 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Innovative Technics, Technologies, and Industry, Informatics, Cybernetics and Automatics, Security Systems in the Modern World, Development of Transport and Transport Systems, Architecture and Construction, Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Medicine and Health Care
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 08-02 (2019)

    • 122 pages, 19 articles
    • 33 authors (including 7 doctors of sciences, 13 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Економіка і торгівля, Менеджмент і маркетинг, Туризм і рекреація, Освіта і педагогіка, Психологія і соціологія, Філософія, Філологія, мовознавство і літературознавство, Юридичні і політичні науки, Біологія та екологія, Сільське, лісове, рибне та водне господарство
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 07-01 (2019)

    • 130 pages, 20 articles
    • 35 authors (including 5 doctors of sciences, 19 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • SECTIONS: Innovation Engineering, Technology and Industry, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Water Resources, Geology, Geophysics and Geodesy, Management and Marketing, Physical Education and Sports, Psychology and Sociology, Philosophy, Legal and Political Sciences, Architecture and Construction, Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Medicine and Health Care, Biology and Ecology
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 06-01 (2018)

    • 125 pages, 19 articles
    • 35 authors (including 4 doctors of sciences, 17 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 06-02 (2018)

    • 117 pages, 17 articles
    • 26 authors (including 4 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 06-03 (2018)

    • 131 pages, 20 articles
    • 35 authors (including 7 doctors of sciences, 22 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 06-04 (2018)

    • 115 pages, 19 articles
    • 32 authors (including 3 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 05-01 (2018)

    • 112 pages, 18 articles
    • 42 authors (including 3 doctors of sciences, 23 candidates of sciences, and graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 05-02 (2018)

    • 115 pages, 20 articles
    • 31 authors (including 2 doctors of sciences, 18 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 05-03 (2018)

    • 107 pages, 14 articles
    • 20 authors (including 7 doctors of sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 04-01 (2018)

    • 124 pages, 22 articles
    • 51 authors (including 6 doctors of sciences, 19 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 04-02 (2018)

    • 123 pages, 21 articles
    • 28 authors (including 2 doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 04-03 (2018)

    • 140 pages, 20 articles
    • 33 authors (including 5 doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 03-01 (2018)

    • 111 pages, 17 articles
    • 32 authors (including 4 doctors of sciences, 14 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • ndex Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 03-02 (2018)

    • 100 pages, 14 articles
    • 18 authors (including 1 doctors of sciences, 11 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
  • Международный научный периодический рецензируемый журнал "Modern scientific researches"

    No. 03-03 (2018)

    • 113 pages, 18 articles
    • 35 authors (including 2 doctors of sciences, 22 candidates of sciences, graduate, masters, competitors)
    • Index Copernicus
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